LUDHIANA, India, Feb. 11, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Rewarding students to reinforce learning behaviors is a well-adopted idea used from centuries ago. When offered an appealing reward, students’ targeted behavior will generally increase (Research by O’Leary and Drabman, 1971; Deci, Koestner, and Ryan, 1999). Incentivizing good behavior motivates students to stay tuned in their learning curve. It helps users to achieve psychological self-fulfillment as they feel investing their time in something productive. This self-motivated behavior also leads to building social interactions among individuals.
Yschool App utilizes the science of incentivization using, a blockchain-based wallet service that enables businesses to reward their customers for their actions. “Positive reinforcement is a well-tested method we have implemented in YSchool for years, which has worked well for building behaviors in students enhancing their learning. With the implementation of blockchain technology, we are able to initiate a path to create a complete ecosystem which can be trusted with partners and students with the crypto-economics employed to incentivize good behaviours,” adds Sivia, co-founder of YSchool. Appreciating students’ micro-achievements with coins in their wallet help them to keep engaged and self-motivated to learn. The collected coins can be redeemed across various brand offers associated with exciting student activities
YSchool provides the most comprehensive online solution for Class 9th to 12th students to crack competitive exams. YSchool has already staged up offline and online teaching standards by implementing Artificial Intelligence to make coaching accessible to students all across India. It’s the first potential ed-tech organization in India to introduce Blockchain-powered student incentivization with a social perspective. Appreciating students’ micro-achievements with relevant rewards help them to keep engaged and self-motivated to learn. YSchool wallet help students to avail coins collected by them crossing their learning curve. The collected coins redemption can be availed by various offers associated with exciting student activities.Kwegg wallet infrastructure enables organizations to incentivize user behaviors to establish positive behaviors. Kwegg APIs integrated with the enterprise system help listen to all customers’ micro-interactions and reward them with coins that they can redeem. It provides a rule engine to configure such rules enforcing behaviors like watching video, completing assignments, daily checking, referrals, etc. The adoption of blockchain for loyalty drives companies to make partnerships without adding complexity to the system explicitly by appending more redemption options to the system, with collaborations, and networking to accelerate the adoption. Blockchain allows both large and local partners to create coherent relations while virtually eliminating the back-end annoyance of coin redemption for customers.
Pratibha Gihar